Explore 4-H Self-Determined Projects For Homeschool Curriculum

 I recognize that many people think of 4-H as something for those who live in rural areas, who grow up on farms or ranches. Most have visited 4-H projects at county or state fairs. Few are aware of all the different learning options available through 4-H. I especially like the 4-H Self-Determined Projects framework that we, as home educators, can use for just about any project or course of study that our students might elect to pursue. We can borrow ideas from these project books and those found in 4-H literature for our own curricula, whether or not we choose to involve students in 4-H clubs and programs. And some families may choose to start their own homeschool 4-H club or to join other 4-H clubs that could display at the fairs. 

Here is where you can look over the self-determined project book:


Anyone can print out this five-page project guide and set up their own projects. Or can use this project guide as a template for our own "self-determined" projects and writeour own projects our students can complete. 

When my daughter was in 4-H, she and a small group of homeschoolers set up their own self-determined project on the stock market. They did end up submitting it as part of their homeschool 4-H club annual projects displayed at the County Fair. But this was not a requirement and would work just as well as a self-directed project that you do at home and don't display at the County Fair.  

The Ohio 4-H Self-Determined Project Guide also includes some "idea starters" for these types of projects in a special section titled "Writing An Idea Starter." This presents some ideas on how to go about setting up this type of independent learning project. Here is where you can read more about these "idea starters":


What else does 4-H offer? Lots of other project ideas that you could purchase and follow, or you could create your own based on parts of what they offer. You can review all the many downloadable project books available for Ohio for this year here:


You may download their "Perfect Stay-At-Home Projects" for free. You can also buy project books online or make your own. So, many options for these very interesting learning resources. And these are just the ones available for Ohio. Since 4-H is under the Department of Agriculture and usually run by one university in each state, you go online and search for many other project options available from 4-H programs in other states. Likewise, you can search Cooperative Extension booklets and other Department of Agriculture booklets available either online or that you can order by mail. For instance, here's where you can review a list of projects and programs available in nearby Michigan:


You might want to explore 4-H offerings from several other states. For instance, here is one for a "Solar Powered Houses Activity Kit." With this kit students can "design and build a solar powered house and then light up the entire neighborhood! Using a solar panel, conductive tape, and LED lights, youth will learn about solar energy and circuits. This kit, for 2-3 youth, includes a solar panel, house and neighborhood templates, tape, a battery, LEDs, and an index card." 


I'm sure you and your students will find a wide range of ideas that you can readily adapt to your own home education program. For those who are tailoring education to their children and not to generic curricula primed for mass testing, do check out what 4-H offers. These are usually written for an age appropriate group of students, so you might find something that really catches the interest of your child or children.

Hopefully these types of resources can help us create interesting curricula that will motivate our children to learn!


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